INGREDIENTS (serves 6, 2 latkes per serving):
- 1 medium onion, diced
- 4 cups zucchini, beets and/or carrots, grated (depending on desired pancake color)
- 1 medium baking potato
- 1 egg + 1 egg white, beaten
- 1/4 cup (1 scoop) Unflavored 20/20 Fiber/Protein Powder
- If air fryer needs preheating, set to 350ºF to preheat.
- Coat a nonstick pan with nonstick cook and place over medium heat. Add chopped onion and sauté 5 minutes. Add desired latke-colored vegetable (zucchini if want green latkes, carrot for orange latkes, beets for deep purple latkes or 1 1/3 cups of each veggie to make mutli-colored) and sauté another 5 minutes. Set aside to cool.
- Coarsely grate potatoes into a mixing bowl, squeeze out excess liquid. Mix in sautéed veggies, eggs, 20/20 powder, parsley, oregano, garlic powder, salt, pepper and red pepper. Mix until well combined.
- Coat air fryer racks with nonstick cooking spray. Drop 12 spoonfuls of mixture into the air fryer basket, smooth tops lightly (press with hand or back of spoon) to make into patties. Spray tops with nonstick cooking spray and place in air fryer over to air fry on 350ºF for 15 minutes, or until pancakes are firm and golden browned at edges.
- Remove from air fryer and serve as desired.
PREPARED WITH ZUCCHINI (green latkes): PREPARED WITH CARROT (orange latkes): PREPARED WITH BEETS (magenta latkes): PREPARED WITH ALL 3 VEGGIES (confetti latkes):