February 15th, 2017

Did You Know: The Right WHEY to Eat Breakfast.

One WHEY to lose more weight. 

New research suggests a breakfast of whey protein can help weight loss efforts. 

You’ve heard it before, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What you may or may not already know though is that in comparison to breakfast skippers, breakfast eaters tend to weigh less and consume less calories throughout the day. Eating breakfast can help you lose weight and keep it off. Now, new research shines a light on to what to eat for breakfast to maximize weight loss efforts. 

Presented at ENDO 2016, the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society, recent research suggests that eating a breakfast high in whey protein (a by-product of cheese production found in many dairy products) can have a positive effect on weight loss. The study, conducted by The Foundation for Scientific Research of the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon, Israel examined the effect of whey protein at breakfast on the weight loss, satiety and reduction of glucose spikes in overweight and obese people with Type 2 diabetes and found that participants who consumed whey protein at breakfast lost the most weight. The participants in this group were more satiated and less hungry throughout the day, and experienced tighter blood sugar control after meals. 

A potential reason for the observed weight loss benefits of whey protein is that it significantly suppresses the hunger hormone, ghrelin. Decreased levels of ghrelin, plus the increased feelings of satiety, ultimately helps individuals eat less throughout the rest of the day. Less calories taken in results in more weight loss, plain and simple. 

How can you incorporate whey into your daily breakfast? Cheeses like ricotta contain whey protein, and many common protein powders, like the F-Factor 20/20 Fiber/Protein Powders, are whey protein based. Combining fiber with whey protein at breakfast is a sure-fire way to stay full and satiated all morning long. Make a smoothie with the F-Factor 20/20 Fiber/Protein Powders, which unlike your average protein powders actually contains fiber too, or use another whey protein powder and add fiber in with seeds like chia or flax seeds and high fiber fruits like raspberries and blueberries. Not into powders? Make protein waffles, or spread some light ricotta cheese over high fiber crackers. No matter how you blend it, you won’t be needing that mid-morning snack anymore!

Shop 20/20 Fiber/Protein Powders

The Endocrine Society. “Large whey protein breakfast may help manage type 2 diabetes.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 2 April 2016 <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/04/160402111253.htm>.